Thursday Apr 06, 2023
April 6, 2023 Maundy Thursday Sermon: The Rev. Canon Leonard L. Hamlin Sr.
Thursday Apr 06, 2023
Thursday Apr 06, 2023
“There was something special about Jesus and now on this night, they are not just listening to Jesus. They are seeing the authenticity of Jesus, not through the wonders performed by Jesus, but through the humble serving of Jesus.”
The Rev. Canon Leonard L. Hamlin Sr retells the story of the last supper, where Jesus served the disciples by washing their feet and sharing together in holy communion. We are reminded that faith is not only demonstrated through words and beliefs, but also through actions. We are asked about where Jesus lives, and the answer is within each of us.
Tuesday Apr 04, 2023
April 4, 2023 Chrism Blessing Sermon: Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde
Tuesday Apr 04, 2023
Tuesday Apr 04, 2023
“In the living of our vows, whatever they are, then there is this necessary rhythm of rededication. Not because we didn’t mean what we said the first time we said it, but that in the living of our vows we gain a clearer understanding of what the vows entail, and we need to be reminded of what we said and why, and pray once again for the grace and power we need to fulfill them.”
Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde reflects on the significance of vows, and how those who are ordained have lived their vows. She tells of how one’s vows guide them down the path to becoming beloved, to living a fulfilling life.
Sunday Mar 26, 2023
March 26, 2023: The Rev. Canon Dana Corsello
Sunday Mar 26, 2023
Sunday Mar 26, 2023
“Everyone deserves to be defined by love. Nothing more, nothing less. We may dwell among the dry bones now, but we serve a God who calls us to life. Our journey is not to the grave, but through it. “Mortal, can these bones live?” I answered, “O Lord GOD, you know.”
The Rev. Canon Dana Corsello preaches about the transformation that occurs when one gives their life to Christ, and about what the terms, “death,” and “life,” can mean. Living a life through Christ can be fulfilling, rewarding, and full of love when we change our perspective to align with God's.
Sunday Mar 19, 2023
March 19, 2023 Sunday Sermon: The Rev. Canon Jan Naylor Cope
Sunday Mar 19, 2023
Sunday Mar 19, 2023
“Former Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, said this: ‘God will take your experiences, mistakes, and false starts and transform you, so Christ transfiguring love can show through.’ We are not all called to be David, but make no mistake, we are called.”
The Rev. Canon Jan Naylor Cope encourages us to learn from past experiences, to listen to our callings, and to allow ourselves to be transformed by love. We are encouraged to see and take various opportunities knowing that they even if they fail, they will lead us where we need to go.
Sunday Mar 12, 2023
March 12, 2023 Sunday Sermon: The Rev. Canon Leonard L. Hamlin Sr.
Sunday Mar 12, 2023
Sunday Mar 12, 2023
“‘Come see a man.’ There’s something good about that in my soul. ‘Come see a man.’ Most of us can talk about look at what I’ve got, look at what I’ve achieved, look at what is going on in the world. But I came by to tell you on today and in the midst of lent; we ought to have a witness that says, ‘Come see a man.’”
The Rev. Canon Leonard Hamlin Sr. Preaches in gratitude for being known and seen by God, and by those who bear witness. Drawing inspiration from the phrase, “Come see a man,” we are urged to see things for ourselves and to know that God is at work, and to know that he knows us, as well.
Sunday Mar 05, 2023
March 5, 2023 Sunday Sermon: The Very Rev. Randy Marshall Hollerith
Sunday Mar 05, 2023
Sunday Mar 05, 2023
"Jesus wants [Nicodemus] to know that salvation isn't about following the rules, it's about letting God be in charge of your life, giving your life to God, letting go of that illusion that you're in control. What Nicodemus doesn’t understand is that salvation is a gift from God given to us through faith, and all one needs to do when receiving a gift is say thank you. What he doesn’t understand is that being born from above means dying to self and finding a new life in God.”
The Very Rev. Randy Marshall Hollerith uses the stories of Abraham and Nicodemus to illustrate the ways in which we grapple with faith. After wrestling with the ideas of need, longing, and mystery, he teaches us a few “tricks” to coming to terms with and strengthening one’s faith.
Sunday Feb 26, 2023
February 26, 2023 Sunday Sermon: The Rev. Canon Rosemarie Logan Duncan
Sunday Feb 26, 2023
Sunday Feb 26, 2023
“No, it’s not our will power, but God’s power. It’s not our resolve, but God’s spirit....The key to dealing with temptation is not found within is. The key to overcoming temptation is found within God.”
The Rev. Canon Rosemarie Logan Duncan retells the story of Jesus’ time in the wilderness, and how he resisted temptation. She parallels the wilderness of temptation with modern problems and injustices, but reminds us of the good news: God went into the wilderness then, and he goes with us now. The wilderness is not devoid of Jesus, and entering it becomes bearable knowing that God is on the other side of our temptations and trials.
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
February 22, 2023 Ash Wednesday Sermon: The Rev. Canon Dana Corsello
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
“If the cross teaches us anything, it teaches us the God’s precious children still bleed, still ache, still die...But our faith tells us we are children of a God who accompanies us in our suffering, not a God who guarantees a lifetime of immunity. Why is this good news? It is good news because we are also children of a God who resurrects. There is no suffering we will ever endure that God will not redeem. The season of lent reminds us that we are East of Eden but short of Zion.”
The Rev. Canon Dana Colley Corsello preaches on the season of lent and the unique relationships between sin and forgiveness, between life and death. The season of lent is not about penance, but about rebirth and starting again.
Sunday Feb 19, 2023
February 19, 2023 HBCU Sunday Sermon: Dr. Christine Johnson McPhail
Sunday Feb 19, 2023
Sunday Feb 19, 2023
“On the mountaintops, God’s glory is revealed again by the transfiguration of Jesus. Before his disciples, Jesus was changed. He shone like the sun, he was beautiful, some may say his melanin was poppin’. Transfiguration means a complete change of form or an appearance into a more beautiful spiritual state. When I read the passage, I thought, 'this is what we do at HBCU’s.' We, by our faith, and strength, and hope, participate with God in the transfiguration of each of our students, and in the process we are changed.”
Dr. Christine Johnson McPhail preaches on the relevance, roles, and future of HBCU’s. She draws upon biblical ideas and lessons to illustrate how HBCU’s give hope, and how they do the work that needs to be done as examples of God’s work.
Sunday Feb 12, 2023
February 12, 2023 Sunday Sermon: The Very Rev. Randy Marshall Hollerith
Sunday Feb 12, 2023
Sunday Feb 12, 2023
“This means that the only way for us to change our hearts is to die to self. The only way to save our lives is to lose them in Christ. The only way to choose life as Moses commands us today in Deuteronomy is to give our lives away. The Christian faith is not making God apart of our life, but about making our lives apart of God.”
The Very Rev. Randy Marshall Hollerith introduces to the idea of being a “Christian under construction,” or a “work in progress.” He asks us to admit that we are a sinner, because admittance is the first part of moving forward and building a relationship with Christ. It allows us to turn our lives over to God, to receive his grace, to be saved.