Sunday Mar 05, 2023
March 5, 2023 Sunday Sermon: The Very Rev. Randy Marshall Hollerith
Sunday Mar 05, 2023
Sunday Mar 05, 2023
"Jesus wants [Nicodemus] to know that salvation isn't about following the rules, it's about letting God be in charge of your life, giving your life to God, letting go of that illusion that you're in control. What Nicodemus doesn’t understand is that salvation is a gift from God given to us through faith, and all one needs to do when receiving a gift is say thank you. What he doesn’t understand is that being born from above means dying to self and finding a new life in God.”
The Very Rev. Randy Marshall Hollerith uses the stories of Abraham and Nicodemus to illustrate the ways in which we grapple with faith. After wrestling with the ideas of need, longing, and mystery, he teaches us a few “tricks” to coming to terms with and strengthening one’s faith.