Sunday Jan 29, 2023
January 29, 2023 Sunday Sermon: The Very Rev. Randy Marshall Hollerith
Sunday Jan 29, 2023
Sunday Jan 29, 2023
“In short, shadow work is the work necessary for completing a purchase, that has been left to the consumer. So, what are we to do? Simply put, we are supposed to do God’s shadow work. That’s the work nobody gets paid for and few notice, but the work that makes a world of meaning of value, a world of peace and purpose, a world of love and hope and faith. In short, the work that builds the kingdom of God.”
The Very Rev. Randy Hollerith provides us with numerous examples of individuals who were seen as foolish as they worked to build the kingdom of heaven. We reconcile with the idea that all of God’s choices, teachings, and values are viewed as foolish because they are at odds with those of the present world, while also finding comfort in our ability to serve God and evoke change through doing the Lord’s "shadow work."