Sunday Feb 19, 2023
February 19, 2023 HBCU Sunday Sermon: Dr. Christine Johnson McPhail
Sunday Feb 19, 2023
Sunday Feb 19, 2023
“On the mountaintops, God’s glory is revealed again by the transfiguration of Jesus. Before his disciples, Jesus was changed. He shone like the sun, he was beautiful, some may say his melanin was poppin’. Transfiguration means a complete change of form or an appearance into a more beautiful spiritual state. When I read the passage, I thought, 'this is what we do at HBCU’s.' We, by our faith, and strength, and hope, participate with God in the transfiguration of each of our students, and in the process we are changed.”
Dr. Christine Johnson McPhail preaches on the relevance, roles, and future of HBCU’s. She draws upon biblical ideas and lessons to illustrate how HBCU’s give hope, and how they do the work that needs to be done as examples of God’s work.