Thursday Dec 22, 2022
December, 22, 2022 Lessons & Carols Sermon: The Rev. Canon Dana Corsello
Thursday Dec 22, 2022
Thursday Dec 22, 2022
“Let us sing! Let us remind one another why God created us, redeemed us, and sanctified us. It's so that our voices and word and song testified to the only reason word became flesh and lived among us. Love. Love that heals. Love that forgives. Love that celebrates. Love that binds us together in perfect harmony. Let us love and sing because we can. Let us love and sing because we cannot stop.”
The Rev. Canon Dana Corsello tells the history of Lessons and Carols and offers insight into the relationship between song and story. The congregation is invited to sing, to be in community and to feel deeply, because “singing is believing.”
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